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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Y 6:22 PM

1. the person who last tag you is?
.2. your relationship with him/her is?
Primary sch fren and max tune buddy
3. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
urm.forgot alrd.he done too many times for me to rmb
4.The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
5. If he/she become your lover, you will?
dunno how 2 answer,almost impossible..lol
6. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
he is a male.lol
7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
be frens again lor,he wun be so petty one la
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
9. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
suck my ballz.haha,jkinh
10.Your overall impression of him/her is?
serious at times and weird temperament
11. How you think people around you will feel about you?
12. The characters you love of yourself are?
out spoken,jovial and straight forwardness
13. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?
14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them?
Thanks guys!
16. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:

Thursday, June 26, 2008 Y 11:14 PM

i am odd.loner in this world,mayb i shld nt hav existed.i shld die long ago.i am just a asshole tat gt no friends

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 Y 9:19 PM

Had school today again,so many homework to clear ar.so many things to do.haven cut hair and this n that.why cant god just grant us a few hours xtra in our day.However,reality is reality,u cant change it so u have to accept the fact tat u have only 24 hrs a day n make full use out of it.School is long today,teachers spamming homework and teach lyk some bullet train.hahaha.Then last part gt some sex education talk,the coach is dam funny la.the whole sec3 are enjoying themselves to the fullest man.the coach is lyk super funny,i laughed throughout the whole thing.

Had lunch wid zujing,weikun,sheng kai and hao qin.wanted to eat KFC at first bt wei kun say ex then we go s11 eat.Eat while toking about some bastard in my sch.stupid irritating fuck,think he big then come kp us.nt we dun dare stand up against u bt we dun wan find trouble nia.Then wanted to cut hair bt i realised i got to chiong my stat poster because deadline is tmr.Went to bubble tea shop to buy bbt.guess wad,i was toking to sheng kai on the phone abt something then the bbt auntie ask me wad i wan.then i toking to sk ma,i didnt bother her,i said"told u liao right" to sk,then the auntie tot i toking to her,lmao la.then after i hung up,then everyone beside me including the auntie laughed because it is dam a joke la.felt so embarrassed.Got my mango milk tea and chionged home to finish stat poster.

Chiong for 3 hours seh,no stop editing and doing this and tat,finally finished.look at my masterpiece and i luv it totally.haha,had a great convo talk with sheng kai now,he really motivates me man.haha

Monday, June 23, 2008 Y 8:32 PM

To me,Life is lyk a Race,it is differcult to complete the whole course with a perfect timing,u can choose how do u race in ur life,u can screw up all the checkpoints in ur life and thus,nt getting a perfect life or u screw up one checkpoint in ur life and faster try to go faster in other checkpoints to neutralize your bad first checkpoint.All u can be perfect in all ur checkpoints and get a perfect timing in ur life.However,the chances of getting a perfect timing in ur life is very slim.I have screwed up my first checkpoint,i will have to do more and race faster in my rest of the checkpoints.Wish me good luck!

Tmr reopen today,lots to catch up.A lot of thing seems to changed and chinese oral is in a few days time.I nid the luck,pls wish me gd luck.hahahahaha,i dun wan screw up this oral as i wan get a 2 pt bonus for o lvl.Sch seems different for me today,dunno hw to xplain bt it seems weird.ppl changed?things changed?the world has changed?or it is just me tat changed???

PS:on a personal note,kun liang,so wad if u win me in max tune last time.nw call u 1 v 1 six map wid me also giv so much excuse.u tink ur max tune bldy zai sibo,i dun tink so wor.i tink u can go suck my balls la,last time lyk to eat noobs lyk me rite.nw why dun dare vs me.stupid blackbird,now i am offering the chance to 1 v 1 wid me and yet u reject it.wonder why wor???i am just a noob only wad,why so afraid sia.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 Y 9:03 PM

zzz.last day of the school holidays liao.wad will i be busy with??obvious is busy chionging holiday homework lor.past few weeks played too much,i tink is time to get down to work and get back my study mood as term 3 will be gone in a breeze and heard tat maths,sec 2 topics will be tested.omg,my greatest fear is coming round,nvm.i will try harder to catch up the lost time in sec 2.Basically,worked from 2-5 after watching a show tat is featured on channel u at 12 o clock at sunday.those interested in sanguo aka the romance of the three kingdoms can go and watch it.Went out to take a breather at funland at 6pm.went there slack around 1hr then go ah ma house eat dinner.haiz,my mood during the dinner for my ahma bdae was ruined by some people.stupid idiots tat bootlick and suck up as much as they can.zzz,nid to turn in early as tmr will be the start of term 3.Shit,forgot to cut my hair,nvm la,tmr then cut,no diff one.haha,btw,i realised tat if u play initial d arcade version 4 u can hear the song the same as my blog.hahaha

Friday, June 20, 2008 Y 10:46 PM

Had work today again.very tired man.had insufficient sleep as i only sleep at around 3 plus yesterday.Chiong to bathe and get everything in order and went out to meet wei kun.then zu jing nvm come becoz he also KO-ed liao,nid more slp.so he nvr come.Had a quite fair day today.nothing interesting.actually today supposed go wild wild wet de but then all suddenly went missing.Zzz,nvm then,after work still early,dunno where to go,then go funland slack lor and btw,no more racing games for me and even i play,it is purely for leisure and no more mood or energy or money to play competitve racing games.bunch of jokers at funland,went there just for their jokes and we keep on disturb heng n kelvin when they play initial d.esp hengg.the jokes we said is seriously dam funny.After tat,went to ahma house to eat dinner,the soup my ahma made is super nice.love it totally man.tmr my ahma bdae,LOL.2 important birthdays falling at june.one my ahma,the other one my mother.scally my wife also in june one.i laugh ar.lolz.anyway,tmr nid to buy present liao.still hesitating on wad to buy man.nvm la,let nature take its course.tmr see wad appealing then i buy lor.Happy bdae to ahma in advance.LOL

Thursday, June 19, 2008 Y 11:29 PM

Random Post.i suddenly thought of my begining of my racing career to now.two years of road.a lot of thing to talk about,gt gd and gt bad.However,everything is goin to come to an end soon.Arcade life quite sucky i must say.it make me lose out a lot of things.I take everything for granted.i thought i can have everything in control.bt end up,i become a failure in everything.life is nvr easy for me in these 2 years,i braved through different storms and obstacles.I always thought tat heaven was making a sport out of me and thinks that it is unfair.why i have to undergo these harsh treatment while the life of others seem so easy.Now i realised,i have no one to blame except myself.i self destruct myself during sec 2.i became oblivious to everything around me.despite consistant persuasion to keep me focus in my work.i just bo chap everything and prayed tat a miracle would guide me through this period of darkness.However,this miracle nvr happened and it will never happened.i would say that i should shoulder all these faults and being punished by the harsh reality.2 years back,every weekend,i would go out and play basketball with some primary schools,i still rmb vividly tat it was my primary school friend's brother who intro me into initial d.After every basketball sessions,i will go to bishan funland to have some air-con.subsequently,me and kelvin was being introduced into initial d.i grew fondness of the physics and graphics of the game,i was somehow being brainwashed and i decided to give it a shot since it looks so nice.I fully regretted to take tat shot because it is nt so easy to quit arcade as u guys seems.just one word"quit it".u noe how much determination and perservence does it takes???i can tell u,u are just a on-looker.talks is cheap because u are nt the one in my situation.Hence,u cannot fully understand the agony of trying to quit this damned thing.In the end,i grow too addicted to it and play it almost everyday,i actually include arcade in my daily schedule and i feel uneasy when i cant touch the steering wheel.From being a noob to a pro.it requires a lot of effort and money spent and this game have burned a big hole in my pocket and through my friend,i noe tat boon lay the arcade the initial d is half price of funland.Hence,i slog my guts out to do more jobs and earn more money to satisfy my needs for this damned game.Hence,i took up ice creams jobs and flyers job during holidays,at that point in time,i didnt rly care abt my studies because playing initial d is almost everything to me.i cant afford to lose it at tat time.Hence,my studies dropped to a great extent and my results were so bad that some can commit suicide over it.However,i thought sec 1 is a honeymoon year.so i decided to abandon all my studies and continue to be addicted in initial d.During the holidays,i will almost go to boon lay everyday and play initial d.i will save on my food money and just to play initial d.I was try to save and scrimp money just to play initial d.Through this game,i meet a lot of friends and seriously,it is A LOT of them.As soon as time goes,i being pro-er and pro-er,same applies to kelvin also.we challenge and hone our skills to a great level.i had a lot of initial d friends around singapore and i would say i will still hav contact with them.During tat period,i feel that they are my best frens bt nw i feel,they are only fair-weathered friends unlike some great pals i met in 2-8.they are really awesome friends man.although we quarrell and cold war and fight among each other,at the end of the day,we are still best of friends,almost nothing can break us up.i hope tat can continue as i dun wish our friendship to be broken up man.they are some great people i met out there who will support me when i was faced with differculties and challenges.Thanks pals!Starting of sec 2,my initial d cards were lost,i felt devstated as they are almost the root of my life and they were lost at bishan funland,i was extremely sad.Perhaps,it is a chance given my god to change my life,i didnt heed it and i begin to step on a road which will turn my life into a devstating state,i went to play max tune again.Heng and kelvin,my two close pals in arcade folo suit and played too.this game also cost a lot of money bt because i was deadly so addicted,i was totally stuck and cannot pull myself out from this bottomless pit.i noe the conseqeunces of being addicted bt i didnt nt care much as i tink that this bloody game is far more important than my studies.My circle of friends grew like how wild fire is being spread.Every weekend.most of us will come to j8 to play and challenge each other,i begin to noe ppl from Team Exile,Team EX and Team 412.i admired them as when i look at them when they are playing,they looked awesome cool.me,hengg and kelvin trained hard to be lyk them.We train and train.We spend a lot of money on it.Suddenly,Heng wanted to create a team,so me,heng n kelvin created WanK*.This game,i had a several bad incidents that i would nt wanna bring up here because of some personal reasons.Now.me heng and kel became quite good in max tune.we started to thrash ppl lyk how we got thrashed by the ppl in those teams.Heng become dam gd in TA n battle,while me is only gd in battle and kelvin is good in terms of battlewise and TA-wise.i can say,heng is a racing prodigy man,he is younger than me yet being able to outrun me.claps claps!.If only i can replicate my success in this game in my common tests then it would be perfect.However,things doesnt seem to go my way as there is no such thing at all.Now i looked back.wad is the use of being successful in tis field,it doesnt secure ur ricebowl at all.My studies was lyk shit and i have to undergo some hell treatment until i improved recently.Just because of arcade,i wasted a lot of things.i basically wasted life,time,money and many many more things man.My racing career is goin to end soon and it will nvr be revived again.This damned thing have make my lose out in a lot of things,i tink nw it is the time to gain it all back if i have the chance.Lastly,i wanna thank those great guys out there to accompany thru sec 2 man.i wonder hw would life be without u all man and Guys,NEVER EVER to begin ur arcade life man.u will bound to regret it.trust me!u will confirm plus chop regret it and since u noe u will regret,why bother to step the first step.i alrd lost a lot of things because of arcade,Henceforth,i do nt wish to see u all to lose out as many thing as i lose out.Thank god tat i have nt mixed with bad companies man,if nt u will see me at dunno where fighting or smoking.Thanks Lord man,u are my saviour as u help me overcome the satan inside me.Hence,My advice is dun ever start playing those will make u addict the arcade games,if u still at a early stage,u better withdraw urself out from it as it will be nt too late for u.Good nite and God bless


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That Racing Knight

Kenneth Lim.
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Loves <33

Both virtual and real life racing,being out with those great frens and love many things in this world because it is beautiful


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